Essential Oil Scent Sachets

Before vacation, some part of me decided I needed to wash all of my clothes. Every. Single. Thing. Don’t ask – even I have no explanation for my radical behavior. Load after load, I began to realize the reason for the heap of clothes on my floor… I had no more room in my dresser or closet for clothes. I don’t ever remember having so much… As ashamed as I am to admit, I’ve always been one of those people who had a closet, dresser and floor full of clothes, yet had “nothing” to wear. I hadn’t worn half of my clothes in over a year (thank you, freshman fifteen) and decided that I needed to purge some things. While going through my closet and dresser, I found a few scent sachets. I thought I hit the jackpot (I mean, who doesn’t want their clothes to smell delightful all of the time?), only to find out that they don’t have a scent anymore.

Now stick with me here. I promise this mind-numbing story has a positive outcome.

Here I am, with two “problems” and a ton of creative juice flowing. Problem #1: I have piles of clothes to get rid of, some that aren’t in good enough condition to give away because of stains or holes. Problem #2: my clothes are boring and scentless thanks to unreliable scent sachets (this one may be less of a problem and more of an excuse to get crafty).

Here comes the thing we’ve all been waiting for… the solution. A cheap, easy way to make an endless supply of your own customizable scent sachets. Almost everything you need can be found in your home!

Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset


  • Fabric (any scrap fabric, old t-shirts, etc.)
  • Rice
  • Your favorite essential oil
  • Thread & needle (or sewing machine if ya have one)
  • Ruler
  • Scissors

Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset

Lay your fabric flat. Grab your ruler and scissors and cut a rectangle that’s 6 inches long and 3 inches wide. The edges do NOT have to be perfectly straight.

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Fold your rectangle in half, making sure that the patterned side (or the side you want to see when you’re all done) is on the inside.

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Sew two of the three open sides. Gently flip the square right side out, so that the patterned side (or the side you want to see in the end) is now on the outside.

Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset

Measure out a ¼ cup of rice into a small bowl and add 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil. I used Simply Earth’s lavender essential oil. Mix the rice/essential oil mixture.

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Gently spoon the scented rice into the sachet. Sew the remaining side closed.

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And there you have it! With little time and effort, you managed to reduce waste and make something that will leave your clothes smelling fresh!

Let me know what scents you decide to use!

